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My name is Evie Smith. As a child, I suffered abuse from a trusted adult, and like many victims of

abuse, I first kept silent out of shame and fear. It was only when I found the courage to share

my story that my path to healing began. It is now my passion to speak out for those who feel

they have no voice and to share my story of redemption and hope. I formed the nonprofit,

A.C.T. Advocating for Children of Trauma to do just that!


Child abuse is a difficult subject to discuss or acknowledge, but it is a silent epidemic in the

nation. It occurs in every socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic background. According to the

National Children’s Alliance more than 600,000 children in the US are abused or neglected each

year*, and the numbers are increasing annually. Statistically one in seven girls and one in eight

boys have suffered abuse or neglect. Without proper help, these children may experience

lifelong effects of trauma, and some may perpetuate the cycle as adults. However, with proper

help, these children can be healed!


So, I refuse to remain silent any longer. Though it is not easy sharing my story, I use my voice to

speak for the ones who feel they cannot! It is my goal to spread the message that a child’s past

does not define who they are, nor should it dictate their future! Like me, they can emerge a

VICTOR over their circumstances, and NOT a victim of them!


So, join your voice with mine. Let’s bring this dark secret into the healing light. Together, we

can stand up, speak out, and END childhood trauma! Let us A.C.T!



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